Super Air is at MTA Vietnam 2024 this year !

The latest [ESG solutions] and new launched cloud monitoring condensate drain will be exhibited at MTA Vietnam 2024 next week!

Taiwan Pavilion is going to hold several【Green Solution】activties during MTA Vietnam this year. Super Air Compressor Technology is invited to show on 2nd and 4th July. Come visit us for your best compressor condensate solutions 🤩🤩
Super Air 協助公司規劃、監控和管理空氣壓縮機系統中的能源問題。解決企業在能源政策方面的各種疑難雜症。 本屆越南胡志明MTA展,將首次展出最新的【ESG解決方案】雲端監視型空壓機排水器。同時,外貿協會將於本次舉辦多場次【工廠節能研討會活動】,能揚受邀在7月2日及4日於現場分享成功案例並接受採訪,誠摯邀請您蒞臨Hall B2 台灣館參觀,了解更多空壓機節能解決方案!
Super Air @ MTA Vietnam 2024
Exhibition Venue: SECC -HCMC, Vietnam
Date: 02 July ~05 July 2024
Opening Time: 09:00 ~ 17:00
Booth: Hall B, BK3-7 (Taiwan Pavilion)
Learn more and register for free ticket:
invitation 1 Taiwan Pavilion - Go Green To Make Our Globe Clean VN- Taiwan Pavilion - Super Air Compressot Technology VN- Taiwan Pavilion - Press Conference July 2nd 2024
VN- Taiwan Pavilion - Components July 4th 2024Taiwan Pavilion - Super Air Compressot Technology Taiwan Pavilion - Press Conference July 2nd 2024
Taiwan Pavilion - Components July 4th 2024
  • Super Trap Motorized Ball Valve Zero Air Loss Condensate Drains
Super Air is at MTA Vietnam 2024 this year !